Business Incentives

Singapore Government incentives explained

Singapore Government Grants and Incentives

Navigating the world of grants and incentives available to Singapore-based companies can be a daunting task for many business owners. Often, the sheer number of available programs and the lack of awareness create barriers that hinder businesses from tapping into these valuable resources. In this section, we aim to demystify the process and guide you on how to identify the right programs that align with your business objectives.

Business Incentives and Assistance Schemes

This is an introductory article that provides an overview of the business assistance schemes and incentives available for startups and SMEs in Singapore.

Market Readiness Assistance Grant

In this guide, we analyzed the MRA grant, an initiative that supports Singapore companies expanding their business into international markets.

Singapore PC & DEI Tax Credit Incentive

PC&DEI Tax Incentive is a government initiative aimed at encouraging companies to engage in new or expanded economic activities in Singapore.

Double Tax Deduction for Internationalization

DTDi is a tax incentive under which eligible Singapore-based companies are granted a tax deduction for qualifying internationalization activities.

Singapore Startup SG Tech Incentive Program

Startup SG Tech Incentive Program aims to help Singapore-based technology startups develop, test-bed, and commercialize innovative solutions.

Startup SG Equity Incentive Scheme

Startup SG Equity is an initiative under the Startup SG umbrella, designed to boost the growth of startups by encouraging private sector investments

Startup SG Founder Incentive Program

The initiative aims to foster a vibrant startup ecosystem by offering financial and non-financial support to early-stage startups.

Startup SG Accelerator Incentive

This initiative is designed to bolster the startup ecosystem by providing vital support to startup enablers, including incubators and accelerators

Singapore Enterprise Development Grant

Enterprise Development Grant is a Government incentive that aims to support businesses in their efforts to innovate, transform, and expand beyond Singapore's shores.

Singapore Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG)

PSG provides funding support for businesses seeking to adopt technology solutions and equipment that enhance productivity and efficiency.

Singapore Tech@SG Incentive Programme

Under the Tech@SG, companies receive endorsement to the MOM that mitigates the risks of encountering rejections for their EP applications.

Singapore VCF/FMI Incentive

Venture Capital Fund Incentive and Fund Management Incentive provide tax credits to VC funds and fund management companies.

Enterprise Financing Scheme

EFS is a comprehensive financial support initiative designed to help local businesses access the necessary capital to foster growth and expansion.

Enterprise Financing Scheme – Project Loan

Project Loan is one of the Enterprise Financing Scheme incentive loans that finances the fulfilment of secured overseas projects.

Scale-Up Incentive Programme

Scale-Up empowers companies to achieve effective scaling, industry leadership, and global recognition through strategic mentorship and resources.

Singapore Energy Efficiency Grant

Under the Energy Efficiency Grant, Singapore companies receive co-funding support to invest in pre-approved energy-efficient equipment.

Singapore T-Up Programme

The T-Up supports SMEs by seconding A*STAR research engineers and scientists to develop and implement innovative processes into R&D projects.

Singapore Start Digital Incentive

The Start Digital initiative offers SMEs the opportunity to embrace digital solutions through the provision of Start Digital Packs

Enterprise Innovation Scheme

The Enterprise Innovation Scheme offers businesses an enhanced tax deduction of up to 400% for five distinct categories of innovation activities

Finance & Treasury Centre Incentive

The Finance and Treasury Centre Incentive provides a reduced corporate tax rate on income derived from qualifying FTC services.
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