Phase 1: EXPLORE
Company incorporation and all required corporate services for the first six months for a fixed price of S$1,600. After six months, you can continue with the LAUNCH package. Or if, for any reason, your plans don't work out, close the company for no additional cost.Phase 2: LAUNCH
Continuation of all required corporate services till the end of first year for a fixed price of S$1,500. Thus, your total first year fee will be $3,100. As you scale, you can mix and match any of the add-on services as necessary. No gimmicks, no hidden fees.Phase 3: GROW
All required corporate services for a year, including year-end financial statements and corporate tax filing for the prior year, for a fixed price of S$3,600. If you no longer require our nominee local director service, the package fee reduces to S$2,000.Phase 1: EXPLORE
Phase 2: LAUNCH
Phase 3: GROW

We deliver
"No Gimmicks" Pricing
We do not trick you with low-ball teaser prices and then ramp up our fees as your company grows. Watch out for firms that tie their fees to your company's monthly revenues or expenses — such contracts are quite common. Being aware of these gimmicks can save you a bundle and agony later.Early-stage Risk Protection
By sharing your early-stage risks we align our mutual interests. We will set up your company and help you explore the feasibility of your venture for six months without charging you fees for the full year. Furthermore, we will absorb the cost of closing your company if your plans do not materialize.Not Bots But People
People matter and experience matters. We won't push cookie-cutter solutions through software bots and self-service apps. Through our portal, our experts will provide advice and service that is tailored to your specific needs. Cookie-cutter solutions can be an expensive mistake in the long-run.Assistance with Immigration
If and when you decide, you can add Employment Pass application or any other immigration service with this package. We have deep and unmatched experience with immigration services for entrepreneurs and their families.World-class Technology
Industry experts have designed our software platform for comprehensive corporate compliance. It accurately and efficiently coordinates tasks between you, our team, and government systems. Don't fall for flashy apps that are good for signing you up but fall short in real-life compliance.Not the biggest but the Best!
We don't strive to become the biggest or the cheapest company but rather to continue be the best one. We bring experience, regulatory knowledge, and service quality to the table: these are the factors that make us quantitatively better than other firms. Check out our Google Reviews to verify!Employment Pass
XBRL Conversion
GST Filing
Trademark Registration
License Application
Ad-hoc Services
This is an important issue and you should understand it well before you select a corporate service provider. Several Singapore-based providers will offer you a low price for the incorporation but they require you to buy additional services — such as accounting or bookkeeping — whose fees are tied to your revenues or expenses. These services are listed under innocuous-sounding names such as Accounting by Expense Pricing Model but these models are quite regressive and pernicious. For one firm who uses such a model, your annual accounting fees will be $1,200 if your monthly expenses are less than $7,500 but they will rise to $6,000 if your expenses reach above S$75,000! In the case of another firm, your accounting fees will be S$600 per year if your revenue is between S$0 and S$5,000 per month but will rise to S$4,200 per year as soon as your monthly revenue crosses S$50,000!
These revenue or expense linked fee models effectively results in a "revenue tax" on your company's funds. As you grow, your revenues and expenses are likely to increase, and so will your accounting fees! You will have to pay these increased fees even if you are not making a profit.
In contrast, first of all, we don't force you into our bookkeeping service. Secondly, our accounting fees are not tied to your revenue or to your expenses. They are tied only to the number of banking transactions you conduct in a month, irrespective of the size of those transactions.
You can input your company's estimated estimated figures and compare the fees you will pay using our cost estimator.